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Avoid These Top 4 Job-Search Mistakes to Get Your Dream Job

Milkos/Depositphotos: Are you searching for a new job?

The corporate scene is a cruel world – competition is everywhere. Jobseekers need to bring their best foot forward and more if they want to stand out from a pool of eager applicants. Employers are also more stringent during the interview process, which is why candidates are left wondering why they failed to snag the job.

Even the perfect candidate will not be hired if they fail to present themselves well. Get through the selection process by dodging these common job-search mistakes fast!

Jumping Back Too Soon

It’s normal to feel glum after quitting or losing a job, so set aside time to introspect before sending out that new job application.

freedomtumz/Depositphotos: Take some time to analyze your goals

Think about the reasons why the previous role or company no longer suits you. This way, it will be easier to know what to look for! Once all lingering negativity is unleashed, it will also refresh your mind and mood for a new opportunity.

Going on an Application Spree

Rawpixel/Depositphotos: Don’t send out hundreds of applications

Browsing through job portals is fine, but sending multiple applications in haste may not be an excellent idea to kick off a new career. The number of available jobs may be overwhelming, and usually, there’s a chance one will end up applying for something just for the heck of it.

To avoid this scenario, comb through the openings that have the most appeal and start from there. It’s also a wise idea to research the shortlisted companies – this will help determine whether submitting the application is worth it.

Recycling Old Resumes

Gone are the old formats that included information like objectives and responsibilities – even references are now an option! Nowadays, a revamped resume is a surefire way to catch a recruiter’s attention. Make sure only relevant information is included and keep everything as simple as it can be.

Some companies receive a ton of applications on a day-to-day basis, so it’s crucial to have a document they can quickly read without missing anything important.

Channeling a Dodgy Image

realinemedia/Depositphotos: Have a visible social media presence 

Social media has changed the hiring game immensely. Whether we like it or not, potential employers look up their applicants’ social media accounts as background checks. An old Facebook post with insensitive content or a malicious tweet might become a red flag even if it was published years ago.

Before hitting that ‘send’ button, filter or remove any post that would cause concern for your future employer. Better yet, make sure everything is set in private.

Landing the perfect job may be a long and challenging road ahead but take everything day by day. Take each rejection as a way to improve for the next opportunity to come!


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