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Make Your Business Dream a Reality: Start Doing the Things that Don’t Scale

Scaling only happens when you jump straight into business and start making sales before drafting in relation to customer demand. Let us not mistake scaling for growth!

Is it too expensive to launch a start-up?

This is a fair question, but no business mogul has ever said that it would be easy. Thanks to unlimited online tools and resources available in today’s world, the expenditure has certainly decreased. Statistics show that the cost of launching a start-up has dropped to $5000 from a whopping $5 Million.

This is great news because funding is not of the essence anymore!

garagestock/depositphotos: Startup funding are not a issue anymore

Starting your own empire is cheaper than ever before and easiest too! If you are a newbie or are sufficiently funded, you can enter any marketplace of your choice and get going in no time!

They say you need to shoot for the moon to land among the stars, but entrepreneurs should be mindful and take one step at a time. Experts advise on concentrating on your first customer, then the demand of the next 100, fulfill their needs, and then plan your million dollar worth initiative.

This is why we need to focus on things that don’t scale: This minimizes the risk of loss and saves your precious time as well.

Be Your Own Customer

ivelin/depositphotos: Learn about your customers by becoming one yourself!

Our advice is to look for a ‘’problem worth solving.’ Address urgent tasks like needs and wants in great demand.

You could do this by looking into your own goals first. This gives you an insight into what is most needed to your customers, and by being your own consumer, you can make wise decisions based on various hypotheses.

After Being a Customer, Let Us Try Being the Product!

odua/depositphotos: Fully immerse in your product for a dream business 

The first tip is to look at the cause for the lack of availability of the product in the market. If you have a technological start-up in mind, this would most probably be an application or some sort of software. Apps are not easy to develop or build: it costs you money and time!

Then again, apps provide a solution: Almost always! So how about this hypothesis: The solution can be delivered by a tech person as well! Test your hypotheses to a small group of people before putting it up for hundreds and thousands of consumers!

Constitute your start-up idea by learning the value of things that don’t scale and watch your organic business grow gradually!

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