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Reasons Why Owning a Dog Will Make You Healthier

Something about a dog’s unconditional love and wagging tail makes the worst of moments better instantly. Even science agrees that having a furry friend can do wonders for your physical, mental, and social well-being. Here are some reasons why you should consider getting a dog.

Reduced Stress

halfpoint/depositphotos: A dog for a companion 

The world is a tough place, and sometimes it gets to us. Dogs not only reduce stress but also increase serotonin and dopamine to make you feel happy again.

That’s why therapeutic dogs are so popular. These days, many companies are even letting people bring their pets to work because it’s a proven way to keep spirits up and increase productivity. The best part is your puppy loves all that extra fuss, so it’s a win-win situation!

Active Lifestyle

eldadcarin/depositphotos: Your dog will keep you fit physically and mentally

Exercise is vital for good health and immunity. Pooch owners are more likely to fit in some form of exercise into their routine because their dogs need to be physically active every day. This, in turn, means a lower BMI and better overall fitness levels. Besides, it’s more fun going for a walk or run with your dog than going alone.

Healthy Heart

Just the simple act of stroking or talking to a pet is shown to lower blood pressure drastically. That, along with your daily exercise, will reduce the risk of developing heart disease and keep triglycerides and cholesterol levels in check. Even if dog owners suffer a heart attack, their chances of recovery are much better than others.

Better Social Life

Humans tend to gravitate towards and trust people with dogs easily. Besides, you’re more likely to talk to other pet owners when on a walk. It may start as a casual conversation about your fluffballs, but real friendships often follow these first meetings. Dogs are a great way to meet new people and build lasting relationships.

Support for Dementia Patients

Animal therapy is real, and it works wonders. Dogs, in particular, have a significant effect on people with dementia. They improve patients’ social abilities, give them a routine and purpose, and keep isolation at bay. While pets may not be able to reverse the effects of dementia, they certainly help make their lives better.

 Help with Depression

oneinchpunch/depositphotos: Dog are good listeners when it comes to depression 

Depression continues to affect people worldwide at an alarming rate. Owning a dog is one way to prevent and counteract the effects of this disorder. Taking care of a dog requires you to follow a routine, stay active, and interact with other people. They give people a reason to wake up every morning.

When one sees their puppy’s ‘happy face,’ it increases their own sense of well-being. Besides, you can’t help but be positive with a dog around.

These are just a few of the many health benefits of having a loyal furry companion. Dogs complete your life and bring so much unexpected joy, so don’t think twice about bringing one home.

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