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Here is How Much You Should Save at Every Phase of a Lifecycle

Life could be challenging and overwhelming, but having good money certainly helps. Unfortunately, not all of us can have unlimited financial freedom, especially when running on a strict budget.

Planning your funds is essential for a smooth course of action, and in this article, let us focus on the crucial targets thatwe need to set for a tight budget during important times of our lives.After all, a comfortable future relies on smart savings that we do in our youth.

Why Should I Save Money? Save money at every new decade of your life

Statistics show that most adults in America have less than $1,000 in their bank accounts, which is not the kind of money one could rely on to lead a comfortable life during their elderly years— See, that is the core of our problem here.

We seldom think of retirement, while the bitter reality is that we cannot be strong enough to work forever! So, before you go forthe next shopping spree, consider saving some funds for later.

How Much Do I Need to Save In My 20s?

The goal is to save 25% of the paycheck while you are still in the 20s. Although it sounds too much to keep for young adults, stable savings will help in the long run.

AndreyPopov/Depositphotos: Set 25% per month aside for savings

Putting a quarter of the income away for later use will help build a haven when you finally settle down after a long working career.

What Aboutthe 30s and 40s?

When you finally hit the thirties, you will have saved as much as an annual salary if the above mentioned terms were followed in the 20s. Continue the same, and you’ll have double the salary per annum sitting around in the savings account when you are 35, and three times the figure at 40!

50s and After?

Prepare to be shocked because you will have five times the initial savings when you hit the fifties. Mid-fifties, you ask? Think of stacking upto six times the initial goal!

This is the sum excluding the pay raise, so, whatever figure your salary might be, just save a quarter of it each month.

Milkos/Depositphotos: You can have a comfortable retirement

Nobody said it would be easy, but it would be worth it— trust us! All great roads start with a single step, so start with 25%, and retirement wouldn’t sound like a nightmare anymore. In fact, you could lead a satisfied, comfortable lifestyle when you finally withdraw from the usual 9 to 5!


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