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Golden Rules to Earn Good Returns on Dividend Investment

A little extra cash never hurts the bank balance, right? And when it comes as a total profit (without having to put in extra effort), all the better!

That’s the kind of bounty dividend investments offer. When you’ve invested in a company and hold a significant share in it, as long as the company keeps performing well, the dividends you earn from this investment can provide you a regular income, that too, for years to come.

But of course, like we said, that’s possible only in case the company stays afloat and makes profits. If you put your money on a company that doesn’t demonstrate good performance or seems unlikely to have a strong future, there are quite high chances that you’ll lose your investment. 


Lukas/Pexels | It’s critical to pick a strong contender if you wish to earn good dividends on your investment

That’s why it becomes critical to pick a strong contender when you’re looking for investing. Additionally, taking note of the below-mentioned golden rules is recommended.

Growth and consistency

The key to earning decent returns is consistency and growth. It makes no sense in purchasing a stock that pays erratically. Similarly, if you purchase dividend stocks that don’t promise a constant increase in their returns (even if it’s little), there’s no point in buying them. The value of the dividend will only get depleted by future inflation, doing nothing good for your money. 

The most effective way to pick an ideal candidate from a growth and consistency perspective is to have a look at the dividend aristocrats list. This list consists of reliable companies (like Johnson & Johnson, Abbott Laboratories, etc.) that have shown commendable performance in dividend payments for more than 25 years consecutively. This will help you play safe with your funds and could provide impeccable dividend investment returns.


Anna Nekrashevich/Pexels | The most effective way to pick an ideal candidate from a growth and consistency perspective is to have a look at the dividend aristocrats list


Regardless of the company you’re putting your money into, the sustainability of your investment should always be taken into consideration. Even with aristocratic companies, you need to evaluate their ability to compete in the market and provide dividend rewards to stakeholders in the long term. Companies like Johnson & Johnson and Abbott Laboratories are listed at the top for paying high dividends to their stakeholders, therefore, investors show great interest and confidence in their sustainability. 

Look at the bigger picture

Just because a company is able to pay higher dividends for a few consecutive years, that doesn’t promise that the shareholders will be getting everything that’s due. In case the company goes through a hard time, it can easily liquidate its productive assets on paper or take out a loan to avoid cutting down on the dividend, at least for the time being. But, on the other hand, growing and robust businesses can expand their balances while improving their dividend returns too. 


Pixabay/Pexels | To make sure whether a company is in a position to provide required interests, it’s a good idea to look at its business model

To make sure whether a company is in a position to provide required interests, it’s a good idea to look at its business model. If there’s a steady trend of free cash flow in the company, it’s considered to be healthy and it will be in a position to provide dividends. 

To sum it up

We hope you found these tips helpful and we’re sure they’ll allow you to supercharge your returns. If you have any other tips in mind that worked wonders for you, don’t forget to share them with our fellow readers. 

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